New Release – התחלת תהלים Student Workbook

התחלת תהלים – שיר המעלות

התחלת תהילים

This book has just been released on the request of many schools who asked for guidance who to train students to begin reading complete texts like סידור and תהלים.

Reading texts is a new level of skill and not only a result of reading syllables, words, and כללים.

There can be a new difficulty associated with this level of kriah based on the facts that they now have a lot on a page, a combination of many different words of different levels of complexity and with different כללים that they have to process them all at the same time.

In addition, once the students find many familiar words within the text they are reading they can become compelled to begin reading based on word impression and leave what they were trained to always read based on the אותיות and נקודות and by the כללים.

The purpose of this book is to begin text reading in a guided framework that will teach the students a healthy way of reading texts from one end going up in skill level of reading and at the same time maintaining the focus to the previously acquired skills in kriah.

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